Why hobbit food you ask?

Have you ever wondered what hobbits eat? This question never occurred to us until one Sunday night where we used left over boiled, mashed up tubers to cover a hard boiled egg. We took this concept from a Guyanese dish known as Egg Ball. Which really is a hard boiled egg covered in a single root called cassava. After we fried up these tuber balls and were sitting down to devour them Tony said, "Sara, you cook like a hobbit and it's awesome" which then turned these tuber balls into hobbit balls. This also got us thinking, "what else have we cooked that's been inspired through the use of local ingredients and cuisine?" From this our blog was born. But if you're actually looking for foods that hobbits eat you won't find them here. But we do hope you enjoy our creations!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I am sure everyone has had one of those nights…just one to many beers. But with those nights comes two options #1 keep drinking and get sick or #2 cook some amazing food. I like option #2 best. And that’s just what we did one night. When we got home we were starving and looked around for something to eat. Behold, a bag of spaghetti. I know what you are thinking, “spaghetti, please, that’s so easy to make. And hello it’s Italian not Guyanese” Well, watery tomato paste from a small can just doesn’t cut it for us. So we made marinara sauce from “scratch” and it was divine! OK, OK, it might-of just been because of the beers before hand but we felt like we were Christopher Columbus discovering the New World for the first time. He did bring spaghetti off the La Pinta to South America right?

Again, we don't do measurements...just a pinch here and a dash there

Marinara Sauce:
Lots of garlic
Sweet peppers (known as Bell peppers)
Saute with a little olive oil
Add a can of tomato paste along with many diced fresh tomatoes
Stir and simmer about 10 minutes
Put over your favorite choice of pasta

Thank you Christopher Columbus.

So this isn't from that night. In fact, its a completely different dish we haven't posted yet. But the homemade sauce is on top. (the meat is chicken caked in flour, parm, and some spices and then fried.)

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