Why hobbit food you ask?

Have you ever wondered what hobbits eat? This question never occurred to us until one Sunday night where we used left over boiled, mashed up tubers to cover a hard boiled egg. We took this concept from a Guyanese dish known as Egg Ball. Which really is a hard boiled egg covered in a single root called cassava. After we fried up these tuber balls and were sitting down to devour them Tony said, "Sara, you cook like a hobbit and it's awesome" which then turned these tuber balls into hobbit balls. This also got us thinking, "what else have we cooked that's been inspired through the use of local ingredients and cuisine?" From this our blog was born. But if you're actually looking for foods that hobbits eat you won't find them here. But we do hope you enjoy our creations!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Who doesn't love gnocchi? Well if you're not a big fan of potatoes, you probably don't. So it's been a while since we've posted some recipes, but fear not the Linden 4 still try to experiment and try new things Guyana style! Here is one of our most recent achievements...homemade Gnocchi!! In the states we wouldn't have thought it was possible for us to make homemade gnocchi (granted we never tried...and if we wanted some gnocchi we'd head down to Trader Joe's and grab a packet). But since Trader Joe's isn't down the street we had to get creative and courageous (and a little inspiration from Emily and TJ). In all reality gnocchi is quite simple and extremely satisfying...especially with a good sauce like a pesto or Alfredo...oh man I am getting hungry already...

2 pounds of potatoes
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 egg
An Ice Bath

First, peel and dice up the potatoes. Then boil them until they are soft. Set aside the potatoes until they are cool (a couple hours? This is the time consuming part...maybe if you wanted to make the gnocchi that night, boil up the potatoes a earlier in the day or the night before. We put them in the fridge overnight)

After the potatoes are cooled, mash them. Then, create a little well in the middle of your mashed potatoes and pour the flour all around.

Put some water on to boil.

Make your Ice Bath.

Crack the egg and put some salt in the middle of the well of potatoes and scattered flour. Start mixing until it looks like a ball of dough. (it should be dry).

Break off balls of this dough and roll them into longish dowels that can easily be cut. (look below)

The dowel is on the left

After all the dough is doweled up, start flcking off 1-inch or so pieces of the gnocchi dough. (see below)

Place the little gnocchi balls in the boiling water. They should boil for a bout a minute. Then they will float to the top of the water. As the balls float to the top remove them from the water and place them in the ice bath.

Use all your dough! Now you have some gnocch!!

Serve with your choice of sauce!!!! This is Alfredo below!

You can also remove them from the bath and put them in the fridge after you toss them with canola oil.

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