Comfort food. These two words take on a whole different meaning now. They mean warm bellies, a particular hidden, satisfied smile, and a happy cow shattered silence ( When the consuming silence around the table is broken by occasional “mmmmoos” of pleasure). This is a Tony recipe and its pretty bomb. It’s mac and cheese, man! It’s glorious, for cheese was, of course, the gods’ gift to mankind. I mean it must be up there with fire, creation, mexican food, and pizza, right?
Elbow Macaroni
1/2 lb of Cheese (or more)
A whipped egg.
X (Variable Ingredient)
Prep your pasta, boiling it.
Drain pasta, put it pack in the pot. Slowly stir in half of the cheese, watch it melt.
Stir in some milk and the egg. Continue stirring
Finish up the rest of the cheese. Stir until melted and sticky. Heat pot if necessary.
It is also possible to stir in other things, we’ve added pumpkin (thanks Sara!), another time it was bacon. We put some shallot in there once, and even red onion. Use what you think and what you like. It’s mac and cheese! So easy!

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