Why hobbit food you ask?

Have you ever wondered what hobbits eat? This question never occurred to us until one Sunday night where we used left over boiled, mashed up tubers to cover a hard boiled egg. We took this concept from a Guyanese dish known as Egg Ball. Which really is a hard boiled egg covered in a single root called cassava. After we fried up these tuber balls and were sitting down to devour them Tony said, "Sara, you cook like a hobbit and it's awesome" which then turned these tuber balls into hobbit balls. This also got us thinking, "what else have we cooked that's been inspired through the use of local ingredients and cuisine?" From this our blog was born. But if you're actually looking for foods that hobbits eat you won't find them here. But we do hope you enjoy our creations!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rice, Bean & Apple Concoction

Once upon time there was a conference that Peace Corps Volunteers had to attend. It was seven days long and there were so many new and interesting ideas presented. And there was scrumptious, well-cooked food and air conditioning in every room. However, before the conference there was a kitchen conundrum that needed to be cleared up: what to do with the perishables in the fridge? Here’s the solution.

Cooked Beans
¾ of an apple, diced
1½ onions, diced
4 cloves of garlic
1 sweet pepper (bell)

Sauté (with oil or butter) the prepped apples, onions, garlic, and sweet pepper in a Kaharee

Season with a little Spike (cheating, I know, but so good you should be able to get it at many supermarkets in the States)
Toss in some basil and oregano (maybe some broad leaf thyme if you had any)
Pinch in Salt and Black pepper.

Stir it all around, coating all the food with seasoning.

Stir in rice and beans coating the rice with the seasoning, spreading the peppers, apples, onions, and garlic throughout.

Taste. Is it good? You’re done. If not add more spices until it’s “how you like it.” (Didn’t Shakespeare write that one? “To eat or not to eat, never shalt one let food go to waste.”…)

IS that Apple and Onion...hmmm interesting...but soooo good.

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