Why hobbit food you ask?

Have you ever wondered what hobbits eat? This question never occurred to us until one Sunday night where we used left over boiled, mashed up tubers to cover a hard boiled egg. We took this concept from a Guyanese dish known as Egg Ball. Which really is a hard boiled egg covered in a single root called cassava. After we fried up these tuber balls and were sitting down to devour them Tony said, "Sara, you cook like a hobbit and it's awesome" which then turned these tuber balls into hobbit balls. This also got us thinking, "what else have we cooked that's been inspired through the use of local ingredients and cuisine?" From this our blog was born. But if you're actually looking for foods that hobbits eat you won't find them here. But we do hope you enjoy our creations!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Poor Man’s Peace Corps Pesto

So this whole time that we’ve been cooking up random, resourceful recipes the lovely Peace Corps Guyana has had a volunteer cook book. We knew of this manuscripts existence, but out of pride and the fact that we all have Macs (and the book was in Microsoft Publisher format), we were not privy unto it’s contents. However, a benevolent benefactor at PCHQ , who shall not name (only because we really don't know who put it in our box) we now have in our possession. Do not despair, this will not end our culinary explorations, rather it shall deepen them. Here is our first adaptation and discovery. PESTO! I love Italians. I wonder if Columbus brought this to the new world too hmmmm...

2 cups of “Married Man Pork” (Which we have in garden! See photo below. Get the joke with the name? Eh, tough crowd.) Oh yeah, for those of you not Guyanese this is fresh basil or fresh thai basil...Bombness!

About a 1/2 cup of Olive Oil

About 3/4 cup of ground peanuts, walnuts, or cashews (How I miss pine nuts...) I think we even put some walnuts in it (Thanks, Oma for the Granola ingredients!)

6 cloves of garlic

Cut up the garlic and some of the married man pork, maybe ground some of the nuts if they are not ground yet.
Combine into blender (or food processor) and blend it up. I am even thinking about putting some fresh broad leaf thyme in here, but I haven’t tried it yet. Next time. Keep inventing!

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